Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 46- 2012

So to finish up that thought...I'm not sure why I wasn't compelled to document those feeliings more thoroughly even though they were happening. For the most part it probably amounts to being lazy. And/or the fact that I'm addicted to How I Met Your Mother on Netflix because there are 52 episodes still left for me to stream. I've watched 84 (roughly 30 hours) of them so far after running out of Arrested Development episodes mid-January. Yeah...

Whatever the reason, rest assured I survived without FB & booze for the 46 days I set out to (well...45 for booze because of the St. Patrick's Day loophole I found on Wikipedia) and am better for it.

As of now TW is fine and acting the same as always, and as for myself...well, hopefully I update and drink a little less as a result of all this reflection.

Good night, and if you need me tomorrow look no further than the Beer Garden. I'll be the one with my head in a pitcher.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 45 - 2012

Please see previous post if this count seems off.

So the same thing that happened last year happened again this year...I started off strong and then just lost my motivation to update this bloggity regularly. I'm not sure why that is...for awhile I didn't want to be a downer but that passed for the most part and is a normal part of life.

I feel like I have some interesting things to convey about the weird social implications of not drinking or using FB, but I was able to overcome them without much drama.

There were a few times I craved booze because I had a rough day, or because I was at a celebration of some sort, and those instances made me think about why I reach for a drink at those times. I like the idea of being more aware if I'm boozing to have a good time or to dull the overwhelming shards of anxiety that are piercing my gut and brain (yeah, sometimes it feels pretty sharp).

Not being on FB is annoying, but not impossible. If anything it just makes me aware (as mentioned) how easy the platform has made stalking and communicating. It's funny to think that we got along fine without social networking just a few short years ago, and never felt like something was missing. The future is happening pretty fast...the singularity approacheth! (please go watch "Trancendent Man"on Netflix streaming right now, I'm legit obsessed)