Monday, April 12, 2010

the T.O.M. - Post Mortem

I missed ya, what else can I say? I also wanted to share these status updates with you. Sometimes I would vent clever witticisms into my Twitter feed, but other times I just jotted (iPhone Notes noted) them down for sharing later. Here, in no particular order, are some of the status updates I didn't share with the world (until now):

-Stayin' classy: I just put on an apron to make hot dogs.

-Took "complete 5 Guys online survey" out of my to-do pile. Still remaining are campsite reservation form to complete and Time Warner bill to pay. Priorities, people, gotta live by 'em.

-Sometimes small-world syndrome is cool, other times it sucks epic donkey d*ck.

-Ever see someone on the subway and want to tell them "I like your jeans/sweater/khakis, your mom has great taste!" ? FYI: It makes for a way less awkward ride if you just think it.

-While wearing earphones: even if you can't hear your farts, other people can.

-If 3 Mexicans get on an empty subway car, will their volume still make it sound as if they've been separated in a forest?

-Why is the guy from the TGI Friday's commercial making people do wacky sh*t for money? If this is what I'm missing by not watching T.V., it ain't much.

-When I see hipsters on my platform I have to wonder how they got here from BK. That trek can be epic...but I guess it just means they had more time to write bad poetry in their journals (pronounced: gur-nals).

-Discovery: Buying relish is for people too lazy to chop up pickles. I make it fresh!

-Just waded through a sea of green douches streaming down 7th Ave. Must be St. Patrick's Day.

-About to go all Tim Robbins on this car alarm.

-It really never gets old that my # was somehow "leaked" on the internets as Rhianna's, thus opening the door for random yahoos to call & text me. Really. Never.

-Sparkley donuts from Starbucks are like little glittery pieces of heaven covered in crack.

-Easter feels like my own special holiday because there are bunnies everywhere! It makes me very hoppy.

-If you're already an asshole & then you put on a bigass vintage hat, you look like even more of an asshole. Yes you do.

-Naps are for people who can sleep while wearing (or not wearing) anything. I am of this subset.

-Subway rides sometimes enable overly personal details to emerge from strangers, like if they are partial to Bath & Body Works' "Warm Vanilla Sugar" lotion...or that they aren't partial to bathing at all.

-Hells YES I wanna Fanta!!

-Had to wear a dress all day as an extra for a work project...they even made me put on kingdom for some trackpants, mofo.

-My bunwah is doing her calisthenics, gearing up for the Big Show this Sunday.

-They put a 7-11 on 8th & 37th. Slurpeeeeeeees!!!

-I want to faceplant on Facecbook.

It's good to be back on FB!!! But this was fun too...


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