So here we go again!
I can't give up FB for Lent this year because I legit need it to network for dolla dolla bills y'all. Since quitting my full time job at the end of December I have worked my way through several identities: unemployed, in transition (I think this was my mom's favorite), and now I'm freelance. The freelancer's union still wants me to work approximately 13 more hours per week than I've been averaging (7) in order to qualify for their insurance plan, so I'm not quite there yet by strict definition, but I'm getting closer to being able to claim this latest identity. I know that my average 7 hours of work a week sounds pathetic, and also (depending on your POV) like the best thing ever...let me assure you -- it's both. I'm getting restless though (plus watching my savings trickle away), so every day can't be watercolors and websites, and I'm making a concerted effort to get more gigs under my belt. Social networking is basically the best way to get up in people's bidness in literal/figurative/every sense, so I can't give any of that up.
What I can give up again is alcohol. And to keep the stakes high, I'm also giving up movies and TV shows.
Just wanted to give that some time to sink in cuz it's a BIG F**KING DEAL. I love movies and TV shows almost as much as I love bunnies, and scientists haven't yet created a measurement to quantify the magnitude of that. The closest they've come is when they identified the metric sh** -ton, but that still wasn't enough. You get the idea...
There are some ground rules though:
- YouTube videos are ok in moderation, but no cheating and watching a string of clips that add up to a full show or film.
- I can watch TED Talks, but not more than 3 in a row.
- News and sporting events are ok. (not much danger of that, I'd have to re-align the rabbit ears and plug in my converter box)
- If I go into someone's home or a place of business where a movie or TV show is on I just have to use self control and not watch, but I won't be an a**hole and ask them to turn it off.
If you can think of any other rules I should make, hit me up. Oh, and if you have any jobs for me, that would be great too.
Let the games (aka Lent) begiiiiiiiiiiiin! (said in Oprah voice)
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