Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 21 - 2012



All hopped up on Reese's mini PB & choc eggs and decaf tea!

Had a chill weekend with my parents, we ate lots of good food and saw plenty of high-quality theatre. Hurrah!

Kicked the sinus infection...but now that Spring is sprung we'll be heading into prime allergy season, so I should just make a hip-holster for my Neti Pot and call it a day.

I do feel better though, so there's that.

The bunwah is still acting herself and eating all the grapes + carrots I put in front of her daily, so our paws remain firmly crossed that the tumor is just a bump in the road of life and not a roadblock. Something stupid happened during this process though-- so I left the vet crying a few weeks ago, called a car service to take us home, waited on the corner all a hot mess, and heard a passing car blast Rhianna's "We Found Love" at full volume. This made me cry harder, cuz I found love in a hopeless fuzzy place called TW. Yes, I can be such a f**king teenage version of myself sometimes...sigh.


sensory stimulation
+ emotion
me being the equivalent of Pavlov's dog (if his dog was a crybaby)

so when I hear that song I get all verklempt. Luckily, between radio, cars going by, and coworkers playing the hottest hits, I only hear that it roughly 17 times a day. My eyes get all misty, then I roll them so hard at myself that the tears go back inside. It's hot.

Long story less long: if the pollen doesn't get me, the pop music will.

So, pardon me, I'm off to fashion a full body SARS-style mask + ear plugs. It too, is hot.


  1. Glad to here TW is still with us. I was worried. So you know, now every time I hear that Rhianna song I will think of you thinking of TW and I too will become misty eyed. :)
