Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 1

So far, quitting Facebook has not been unlike quitting smoking.

I'm twitching and coming up with a multitude of justifications to take a puff of the social nicotine,
just one more time,
nobody will know,
it's only natural to have to slowly wean yourself off it rather than go cold turkey.
I should really pop onto it just for a second to see if anyone commented on the status update I posted about giving FB up for Lent.

I googled it and Easter isn't until April 4th. I don't know if I can do it.

I wonder how many social gatherings I will have missed and what the impact of the experiences I will have cheated my life out of will be. How many deaths of pets, excellent meals, crappy or fantastic days, trips on an airplane, complaints about mass transit, will I miss in the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert? Now I'm in a social desert, and if I want to do WJD, then I'll have to resist FB/Satan. I can't make bread out of stones, but already I'm being tempted to nourish myself with social toast from my shiny brick of an iPhone.

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