Last night I poured some of this extra time and energy into cleaning up my apartment. I'm turning 30 this year, and this fact seems to have set off in me a series of revelations about of these is that I live in squalor.
I have filled my apartment with falling apart furniture that can't really even be considered "furniture" in a traditional sense. Let's see...a wooden milk carton currently supports a totem of Xbox and Super Nintendo gaming systems so that a certain fuzzy room-mate can't chew the cords.
She may look cute, but she's ruthless when it comes to rubber-bound wires. I adopted this little lady after her first owner gave her up to PetSmart, so I like to imagine that in her past life a cord must have insulted her mother, and now all the cords in our home have to pay the price.
Anyway, rabbit reveries aside- I got this milk carton off the street years ago, before bedbugs made their triumphant return and it was safe to be a hobo. I also keep my clothes in a bookshelf. It's hot. Oh and my DVDs are stacked 2 deep in a shell of a side table I lugged home from the Astoria Salvation Army and took the drawers out of, my cathode ray tube television was then plunked on top. Classy!
I must also mention the futon. The futon rocked back in 1998 when my parents bought it for me and I was in high school. Now it is squishy and lumpy and 2 support beams from the bottom have broken. Did this stop me from using it as a couch? NO! The sagging spot makes it feel like I'm sitting in a futon-pod and I like that. Although, I figure it's all fun and games until the day I'm nestled in my fu-pod eating takeout and another beam goes, trapping me in a venus-fluton trap...
I amassed the rest of these particle board structures I call furniture when I was a poor kid in NYC, just out of college and making hourly wages + a stipend at my movie theatre job and ad agency internship...Oh hey, yeah...that was 6.5 years ago. I'M ALMOST 30(!!!) and although not pulling in stock broker bank, am most definitely working a Real Job and can now whack my Amex for some nice things at Ikea. anticipation of taking a Brooklyn Ikea pilgrimage at the end of this week, I started cleaning up and dismantling my current furniturish. While unburdening a bookshelf (which actually functions as a bookshelf and holds books rather than t-shirts), that was crumbling because I had stacked books 2 deep and Playbills 3 shoe-boxes high on it, I unearthed some amazing gems:
Cookin' MC's like a pound of bacon!
Notice the chewmarks. Seems I'll have to work up a backstory for scantrons too...
Holy crap, I was always cute!
Given the fact that I moved up to NY from FL in a U-Haul and jettisoned several things from my life there that couldn't fit in the truck, it's pretty ridiculous that these things made the cut. They made me smile though, because I got nostalgic for simpler times. Rather than "like" Vanilla Ice on FB and then stalk him via the internets, I got a book about him...I took tests on paper!...I could hold what I now know as a "mobile upload" in my hand...
Yep, I'm old. Soon I will be an old person with non-hobo furniture. You lose & you win...
that is the friggin cutest photo of anyone, ever!