Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 21

So...amidst this reflection on my FB-less life and shenanigans, I realized that I'm single. It doesn't really bother me, I usually can't even pretend to hate being or having to go places alone because I absolutely love it. I have however, watched Sex in the City, so I know I should be concerned about these things and therefore got a subscription to Match.com. I'm finding my singledom may not only be because I'm not good at sharing a comforter, but also because I happen to be completely devoid of game.

Match asked me to tell guys about myself in my own words. After discovering that "I'm kiiiinnd of a big deal, people know me" fell short of the required number of words for that section, I struggled to write something more lengthy that didn't make me sound too indifferent or too desperate. Basically communicating: "yeah, I want to know you, but not as much as you want to know me." It took DAYS to perfect this balance, and I'm still pretty sure I tipped the scales by admitting how obsessed I am with my bunny. Remember her? Here you go to jog your memory:

I also had to tell Match what I am as well as am not looking for in a guy, which proved daunting. If anyone can tell me the difference between silver, gray and platinum hair I will buy you a drink or a Geritol. We can even talk about the weather if that's what you're into. I'm also confused because even though I indicated no interest in "slender" guys, that doesn't stop skinny puppies from messaging me. I may be "not sure" if I want kids, but sorry Slim, I am most definitely sure I need to be able to borrow your sweatshirts and not feel fat.

So obviously I don't 100% get this match.com thing yet. If you do, please find some way other than FB to communicate any tips you may have. Here is an article on cultivating carrier pigeons if you're like me and have some free time.


  1. best post ever - however, at first glance, the pic made me think your bunny was dead and I gasped!

  2. oh no, i didn't even think about that! was just illustrating my angel. that's healthy...right? ;)

  3. thank god! i am not one to judge what is or is not healthy when it comes to pet love.
